Game Collection Database
Mega Man
The classic Mega Man series has been and always will be one of my favorites of all time. This NES game came out of nowhere and as hard as it is to believe now, was a sleep hit of its day. Due to little advertising, and Capcom being little known at the time, the 1st Mega Man game did not sell well compared to later games in the series.
The plot line of Mega Man (known as Rockman in Japan) is Dr. Light and Dr. Wiley worked together to create almost human robots to assist with difficult jobs. Dr. Wiley up and decided he wanted to take over the world, a noble goal to be sure. He reprogrammed 6 robot masters to help him in that goal. Dr. Light, not going to let this all happen, allowed his lab assistant robot named 'Rock' be upgraded to tackle this threat. Rock was fitted with an arm cannon called the Mega Buster, and a blue set of armor. He also has the ability to take on the abilities of robot masters he has defeated.
One interesting bit of side trivia, was that Dr. Light had created two robots to assist him in his lab, Rock who became Mega Man, and the other, a female robot named 'Roll' who was his housekeeper. This musical naming theme was kept for other robots in later games as well. The robot masters (aka Bosses) usually have been either elementals (Fire, Wind, Air, Earth), or Utility, Cutsman for example.
This game was on the first games on the NES I remember that allow to you take on the levels in any order you choose. The caveat being that beating some levels first, and obtaining weapons from the bosses, allowed other levels to be passed more easily.
You can't mention Mega Man 1 without mentioning the difficulty. This is one HARD game. Not for the timid. I remember being frustrated for hours trying to get by certain sections of the game. Most notably, the parts where blocks would appear and disappear in a pattern. You had to time your jumps perfectly. Later games in series had them as well, but not all of them were as difficult. The other problem is the lack of saving, or passwords. So you had the play the game in one sitting, or shut the TV off but leave the Nintendo on while you take a break.
Newman Rating:

4 Star


United States
Current Value:
Date Added:
March 17, 2005
Last Updated:
February 20, 2019