Game Collection Database

Bionic Commando

Bionic Commando - Title Screen
Being air-dropped into a hot zone.
Bionic Commando. Looking for some bad guys. What, all gone?
What no jumping! The hell you say! At least that is how I felt about it for about the first 5 minutes. Then the joygasm of using that bionic grapling hook arm sets in. What a novel idea. Fling yourself around the levels with ease. Tarzan didn't have it this good. Even beyond the hook. This is a great game. Even better than its arcade counterpart. I spent some good time finishing this game back in high school. One of my personal favorite NES games of all time.
Newman Rating: 5 Star 5 Star
System: NES NES
Format: cartridge cartridge
Region: United States United States
Category: Action Games
Publisher: Capcom
Includes: Nothing
Condition: Loose
Current Value: $7.31
Date Added: November 12, 2004
Last Updated: February 20, 2019
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