Game Collection Database

Redneck Rampage: Family Reunion

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in game
Shooting rednecks, what could be more politically incorrect than this game. Wow. For some reason though this game is a small bit of moon pie goodness. Based on the DOS based Build engine that powered Duke Nukem 3D, you blast your way through level after level of ignorance gone wild. After a few levels, something of a plot kicks in. The game switches gears and you start to fight aliens as well. The same "little green men" that have abducted many of your kind for their anal purposes. I found Duke Nukem a challenging game. Redneck ups the ante and tries to kick your similar to your neck colored behind every chance it can get. Granted, the AI in this era of game is pretty simple. Most enemies make a beeline towards you shooting off as much ammo as possible. Even the critters such as junk yard dogs are a challenge to take down. This was on the "normal" difficulty level, or as the game calls it "city folk". I own the "Family Reunion" version of this game. It is basically shovelware that adds all the available expansion packs that were released for this game. The CD does contain some interesting redbook CD audio tracks that play during the melee. I found the music very fitting. Reminds me of hangin out at "Famous Daves" while sucking down some beef brisket. Yummy.
Newman Rating: 3 Star 3 Star
System: PC PC
Region: United States United States
Category: 1st Person Shooter
Publisher: Interplay
Includes: Game Manual
Condition: Loose
Date Added: March 17, 2005
Last Updated: February 20, 2019
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